Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels (BE)
October 10, 2024 - February 9, 2025
The group exhibition hosting welcomes and celebrates the artistic diversity of the Brussels scene, opening up to the city, to its periphery, its artists and its audiences. The exhibition is presented as a large-scale cabinet of curiosities occupying all of Centrale’s spaces. The exhibition questions the notions of hospitality, of territory, of solidarity and of emergence in today’s art ecosystem.
With Dareen Abbas, Özge Akarsu, Mohammed Alani, alias-nb, Nabil Aniss, Flavia Antoniazzi, Amaranta Aranda, Stephane Arcas, Mani Art, Yasmina Assbane, Krista Autio, Esther Babulik, Michèle Baczynsky, Bagnet, Koen Barra, Francesco Battistello, Marianne Behaeghel, Thomas Bernardet, Amélie Berrodier, Dani Bershan, Lucile Bertrand, Floris Boccanegra, Hugo Boccara, Edith Bories, Ariane Bosquet, Lucia Bru, Marc Buchy, Mirko Canesi, Marguerite Canguilhem, Frédéric Castiau, Louiz Castiella, Matthieu Chalmagne, Chameleonian Times, Clément Chantepie, Traian Chereches, Aliki Christoforou, Heather Clarke, Eva Claus, Florence Coenraets, Françoise Colpé, Suzanne Corcessin, Berenike Corcuera, Adeline Cros, Céline Cuvelier, Marta Dal Sasso, Amélie de Beauffort, Gert De Clercq, Karel De Cock, Hannah De Corte, Thomas De Decker, Yvonne De Grazia, Liesje De Laet, Brigitte De Mees, Ann De Nys, Eva Deceasstecker, Bernard Declercq, Gérald Dederen, Sara Del Bene, Rodolphe Delacourt, Deborah Deliens, Wolfgang Dengel, Yuna Denis, Ward De Ruddere, Ward Desloovere, Eli Desnot Marsan, Isabelle Detournay, Lena Dewaegenaere, Pablo Diartinez, Carlin Díaz, Thomas Dielman, Monique Dohy, Charlotte Dorn, Laura Dos Santos, Pétros Dourdoufis, Hughes Dubuisson, Celia Ducaju, Maria Dukers, Frédéric Dumoulin, Silio Durta, Lionel Dury, ECOLE MONDIALE (with Filip Van Dingenen), Hamada Elkept, Marius Escande & Sarah Illouz & Alexander Marinus, Élisa Espen, Marion Fabien, Gundi Falk, Lucia Femia, Brooke Ferguson, Colin Fincoeur, Anne Marie Finné, Igor Fouqueray, João Freitas, Philipp Fröhlich, Jean-Luc Gaffarel, Yannick Ganseman, Carmen Gayo Raton, Pieter Geenen, Dirk Geets, Mark Gillioen, Clémence Godier, Maud Gourdon, Inès Guffroy, Elise Guillaume, Béatrice Guilleman, Fiona Guillemant, Luis Guzman, Hamed, Ulla Hase, Elodie Hedouin, Michaël Henneaux, HIDDENBRILLAUD, Liliana Hoban, Camille Holdermann, Sophie Holmström, Brigitte Hoornaert & Stéfan Piat, Liudmyla Hots, Léon Huneau, Skender Hyseni, In Care Of, IOxOI, Victoria Iranzo, Chisato Ishiyama, Clément Jacques-Vossen, JLS, Marine Kaiser, Kled Kapexhiu, Kristell in Wonderland, Nancy La Rosa, Laurence Langlois, Sven Laurent, Raphaëlle Léaux, Marie Fleur Lefebvre, Nicolas Magne Lefebvre, Ania Lemin, Lucas Loop, Luciana L. Schütz, Faber Lorne, Carole Louis, Hadrien Loumaye, Léo Luccioni, Anne Marie Maes, Lila Maitre, Lucie Malou, Thier Mans, Virgilio Martini, Nicolas Mayné, Thomas Mazzarella, Mélisande McBurnie, Hélène Meyer, Marie Michalikova, Marta Mo, Yukali Modéran, Hélène Moreau, Antoine Morice, Chrystel Mukeba, Anne Niveau, Rita Nobre, Christian Noirfalise, Ooops I Drew It Again, Marina Osadtchouk, Ouassini, Alice Pandolfo, Claudio Pantò, Flavia Parone, patrickvanghendt, BLAISE PATRIX, Pauvre Terre (Pauline Sesniac & Luca Reverdit), Sébastien Pauwels, Carmen Pazos Magariños, Nine Perris, Prune Perris, Dominique Piérard, Melissa Pinon, Nicolas Piret, plæd, Jérôme Porsperger, Céline Prignon, Anouk Rabot, Luka Rakol, Kamand Razavi, Alex Reynolds, Badi Rezzak, Marija Rinkeviciute, Matthias Roche, Lucas Roman, Jonathan Rosic, Amber Roucourt, Sandra Rouffignac, Valérie Rouillier, François Röze, Melissa Ryke, Elina Salminen, Patricia Sartori, Judith Scée, Valérian Schatten, Schizosteph, Amélie Scotta, Jimmy Scour, Anna Simon, Pierre Sohie, Lois Soleil, Nathan Solioz, Diane Stordiau, Straussphère, Laure Stroobandt, Merzedes Sturm-Lie, Laurent Suchy, TAMILA (Tengo Eminashvili), Malika Tarhach (malyqa), Erik Thys, Elio Ticca, Nina Tomàs, Morgane Trebus, Tim Trenson, ZETA TSERMOU, TUUURTLE (Dominique Raphaelle Ringler, Founder & Gaëtane Bibot & Sophie Lévy & Tania Wolski), Céline Vahsen, Anne van de Star, Charlotte Van de Velde, Ariane Van Dievoet, Leen Van Dommelen, Nadia van Gelder, Armand Van Mastrigt, Corin Vanden Berghe, Nathan Vandenberghe, luc vandervelde lux, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek, Tatiana Vejic, Maj-Britt Verheijen Van Dyck, Lau Ve, Laura Viale, Adèle Violette, Colin Waeghe, Antoine Waterkeyn, Susanne Weck, Saskia Weyts, WIP COLLECTIVE, Sarah Wouters, YAMBXL, Yonghi Yim, Anna Zanichelli, Eyad Zoudi.
Presentation of 'Esoexo' (2021)
Pulsos del agua: líneas y territorios
Cinemateca Sala Alterna, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (CO)
May 14, 2024
A cycle of 4 screening nights raising questions on the relationships communities of the Global South construct in regard to water, life and territories.
Screening of 'Laying Down a Line' (2022) + aftertalk.

Words on Water
Sis Art Space, Bojnurd (IR)
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi
April 12 - 21, 2024
Group exhibition with works by Sevgi Aka, Pieter Geenen, Hengame Hosseini, Nebras Hoveizavi, Nooshin Jafari, Allahyar Najafi, Jaleh Nesari, Roya Noorinezhad, Bahar Samadi, Morteza Soorani and Marzieh Rashidi.
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Water-Bound - Words on Water
TAK (Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg), Berlin (DE)
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi
March 21, 2024
Group exhibition with works by Sevgi Aka, Pieter Geenen, Hengame Hosseini, Nebras Hoveizavi, Nooshin Jafari, Allahyar Najafi, Jaleh Nesari, Roya Noorinezhad, Bahar Samadi, Morteza Soorani and Marzieh Rashidi.
The Words on Water project showcases different artistic perspectives on water and its crucial role in our lives, which is now affected by political, environmental, and economic factors. In this one-day presentation, the first Words on Water project has evolved into a complex and multi-faceted multimedia tapestry. This compilation features a variety of viewpoints from different geographies and mindscapes that explore the concepts of borders, the politics of inclusion and exclusion, collective memory, and actionable change.
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Words on Water
Hinterland, Vienna (AT)
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi
November 2 - 12, 2023
Group exhibition with works by Sevgi Aka, Pieter Geenen, Hengame Hosseini, Nebras Hoveizavi, Nooshin Jafari, Allahyar Najafi, Jaleh Nesari, Roya Noorinezhad, Bahar Samadi, Morteza Soorani and Marzieh Rashidi.
Words on Water is a series of Room For Doubt, which brings together different artistic positions on water, and its essential role in our life now tinted with political, environmental, and economic readings. In the context of Vienna, the initial project of "Words on Water" has evolved into a rich and multi-layered tapestry of media. This constellation draws from diverse geographies and mindscapes, orbiting around concepts of borders, the politics of inclusion and exclusion, collective memory, and actionable change.
As the title suggests, it delves into diverse artistic expressions centered around water — an essential element of life. Water, simultaneously a vital means of transport and a natural divider, evokes a myriad of emotions and connotations. It can be synonymous with poetry, spirituality, and a source of healing, yet it can also take a deadly turn during natural disasters and human-made destruction. In an era where the global landscape is shifting from energy resource conflicts to escalating tensions over water, this exhibition seeks to shed light on the pivotal role water plays in our devastated environment.
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi, the founder of Berlin-based Room For Doubt, this exhibition should allow a profound reflection on our interconnectedness with water and our collective responsibility to engage with this invaluable resource by redefining this relationship in an increasingly fragile world.
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Desert 23'S
La Wayaka Current, Atacama (CL)
October 5 - 26, 2023
Artist in residence
Desert 23°S (Atacama, Chile) presents a rare opportunity to research and develop new artistic & creative practices in one of the driest environments on our planet within an indigenous community inside a national nature reserve of diverse flora and fauna. This otherworldly region offers the most optimal conditions for astronomical observations in the world and preserves ancient archeology beneath the sands. Within the dry landscape lives an unbelievably diverse and rich ecosystem that remains due to the knowledge of indigenous groups who fight to protect the area from exploitative, water-intensive extraction and mining.
With support of Flanders - State of the Art
Highlighted Feature Films of the World
CineAutopsia / Bogotá Experimental Film Festival, Bogotá (CO)
August 18 - 25, 2023
Screening of 'Laying Down a Line' (2022) - International premiere
Negotiating Frames, an evening with Messidor
SIC SoundImageCulture @ Cinéma Vendôme, Brussels (BE)
March 9, 2023 - 19h-21h30
Screenings & conversations with Meggy Rustamova, Pieter Geenen, Sirah Foighel Brutman & Eitan Efrat upon invitation by SoundImageCulture.
Presentation of 'Upright Drum In Water' (2020)
Prix de la Gravure et de l'Image imprimée
Centre de la Gravure et de l'Image imprimée, La Louvière (BE)
October 29, 2022 - March 12, 2023
The Prix de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée (Printmaking and Printed Art Prize) has been organized since 1989. It is intended to encourage the practice of printing and printed art within the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and to offer real visibility to the artists practicing this discipline. All traditional printing techniques as well as those relying on new technologies are accepted.
These are the selected artists for the 31th edition: Silvia Bicelli, Sam Bouffandeau, Marguerite Canguilhem, Chloé Cappelle, Louise Charlier, Roman Bouchard, Tristan Cuttaïa, Floriana Da Silva, Raphaël Decoster (tbc), Jean-François Delhez, Robin Dervaux, Emelyne Duval, Pieter Geenen, Mélanie Géray, Pia Jacques, Nadia Jelassi, Ludmila Krasnova, Nathalie Lefèvre, Côme Lequin, Nicolas Mayné, Charlotte Morineau, Shen Özdemir, Etienne Panier, Michiko Van de Velde, Sofie Vangor
Presentation of 'esoexo' (2021)
Digital Gallery 20 Years
Doclisboa International Film Festival, online
October 6 - 16, 2022
Ten years ago 'relocation (2011) received a special mention in the International Short Film Competition of Doclisboa. For that they have invited me on the occasion of the festival's 20th anniversary to contribute a 20 seconds clip to the Digital Gallery 20 Years, which collects a number of filmmakers who played a role in the history of the festival. Thank you for this kind invitation and happy anniversary!
Argos, Brussels (BE)
July 7 - August 4, 2022
ARGOS TV brings new and old works from the Argos collection to your personal screen. Each first Thursday of the month, a film will be made available on their website, up for a month, entirely free of charge. The selected film gets simultaneously shown on a window display at Koopliedenstraat 62 Rue des Commerçants.
Presentation of 'mirador' (2016)
V2Vingt, Brussels (BE)
May 14 - June 4, 2022
Group exhibition with work by Pierre Gerard, Sahar Saâdaoui, Jimmy Ruf, Pedro Ruxa, Amélie Bouvier, Michel Mazzoni, Frédéric Fourdinier, Sébastien Delvaux, Pieter Geenen, Christophe Terlinden.
Presentation of 'esoexo (Federal district - Sketch of Xochimilco)' (2021)
Flemish Community Collection
The work mirador (2016) has recently been acquired by the Flemish government for the Flemish Community Collection. The work will be archived, preserved and made available for presentation at Mu.ZEE, where it will rejoin the work nocturne (2006) which is already part of the same collection.
On this occasion the video will be available for online previewing until March 1 using the following link:
Cinema Without Borders
One Shot International Short Film Festival, Yerevan (AM)
September 22 - 28, 2021
Screening of 'Upright Drum In Water' (2020)
Official Selection - Videoartes
Festival ECRÃ, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
July 15 - 25, 2021
Screening of 'Upright Drum In Water' (2020) - Latin American premiere

Laying Down a Line
Eté78, Brussels (BE)
Solo exhibition
May 22 - June 27, 2021
To lead life is to lay down a line*. A line is a transition between two points, moments or places. Following a line along the twists and turns of the labyrinth there’s no commanding view and no glimpse of an end. In-between two lines there’s a world of becoming, the ongoing condition of the life lived midstream. Along the way the line unites and divides, includes and excludes, separating water and land, earth and sky, fact and fiction, until it becomes blurred.
In his solo exhibition 'Laying Down a Line' at Eté78 Pieter Geenen uses the concept of the line to mirror, invert or erase geographies and histories. He focuses on the ecology of Mexico City where he spent his time as artist in residence in 2018 to propose a different reading of the past, redefine the present and imagine a potential future. By referencing aquatic life and indigenous culture a new iconography is coming to life.
The title piece 'Laying Down a Line' is a film juxtaposing the sounds collected walking the streets of Mexico City to the image exploring the network of canals crossing the lands of the borough of Xochimilco using the basic principle of camera obscura. This area in the south of the city is a fragile ecosystem constructed by the Aztecs in pre-colonial times. It is agricultural land gained from the waters of Lake Texcoco, Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco which historically and geographically preceded their drainage by the European colonizers and the expansion of the city that followed. It is home to the endangered species of the Axolotl, an amphibian native to this area only. Lately it has been under threat of pollution, urbanization, tourism, abandonment and invasive sorts. The soundtrack on the other hand is built up from field recordings voicing street life typical of Mexico City. Sounds from either side of the power structures ruling society blend with each other into one microcosm: vendors, beggars, workers, cleaners, police, surveillance, security systems, etc. Man and nature seem to live harmoniously. However, nothing is what it seems. What we see and hear is merely arising from a man-made construction and puts the relationship between man and nature, between past, present and future into question.
'Esoexo' is a series of printed works based on historical maps of the valley of Mexico and the different entities now making up the metropolitan area of Mexico City. Here Geenen presents a selection of silkscreen prints and inkjet prints decolonizing and reactivating the digitally archived files from the Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra in Mexico City. By folding, digital manipulation or the technique of printing itself a new layer is covering the memory and preservation of the past. After deterioration, creases, scratches, scan lines and other digital artefacts had already affected their readability, now traces of history have been deliberately hidden or erased. This attempt to restore the effects of colonization (for example by covering or simply erasing the drainage canals) and to reimagine pre-colonial times in turn installs a fictitious and newly imagined world.
(* The Life of Lines, Tim Ingold, published by Routledge, 2015, p.118)
With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and Flanders State of the Art.
With the support of SOFAM a signed and numbered edition with a certificate of authenticity is made available on the occasion of this exhibition.
Satellite #5 - Unknown Language: On Spelling, Spells and Spelt
Messidor, Brussels (BE)
March 26, 2021, 20:30 CET
An online audiovisual journey through works by Don Mee Choi, Anna Homler, Florence Cheval, Allen S. Weiss, Meggy Rustamova, Pieter Geenen and more.
Presentation of 'home' (2016).
Super Room: Ecosystems of Relations
Super Dakota, Brussels (BE)
February 16 - March 31, 2021
Online group exhibition with work by Denise Bertschi, Alex Clarke, Jeremy Deller, Tenki Hiramatsu, Pieter Geenen, Carmen Kirkby, Bent Van Looy, Real Madrid, Connor McNicholas, Sadé Mica, Alberta Whittle.
Presentation of 'mirador' (2016).
Blue Screen #5
Level Five Artistic Ecology, Brussels (BE)
Programmed by Emma van der Put and Chloé Malcotti
December 14 - 21, 2020
Online screening of 'home' (2016).
Online conversation and Q&A on December 16, 19h30
Out of Competition
FLIGHT / Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Genova, Genoa (IT)
October 10 - 18, 2020
Screening of 'home' (2016).
Special Programme
Split Videoart Festival, Split (HR)
October 8 - 11, 2020
Screening of 'Upright Drum in Water' (2020).
On Brenna Bhandar's 'Colonial Lives of Property'
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
Initiated by That Might Be Right
October 3 - November 28, 2020
Reading group and group exhibition with works and documents by Pieter Geenen, Paoletta Holst, Fazal Sheikh, Dr. Margaret Wickens Pearce,...
Presentation of 'The Land' (2015).
Level Five Salon Sale
We as artists of Level Five are happy to announce that our Salon Sale is online now:
Our studio cooperative provides a place for more than 80 artists/initiatives to work and build community in Brussels. On the Salon Sale website you can buy works online, supporting not only the artists, but also the non-profit collective of Level Five which will receive half of the income. With your purchase, you enable us to pay a small compensation to those who work continuously to maintain our collective infrastructure.
If you would like more info or to see the works in “real”, please don’t hesitate to contact us or any of the artists. We are happy to arrange visits once the current situation allows it.
If you don’t feel like buying an artwork, but still want to support us, you can also make a donation.
With works by:
Kevin Gallagher / Olaf Winkler / Meggy Rustamova / Evelien Cammaert / Dirk Reimes / Raquel Vermunt / Anouchka Oler / Sophie Varin / Chloe Chignell / Chloé Malcotti / Marco Lampis / Boris Steiner / Izabela Czarna / Pieter Geenen / Ištvan Išt Huzjan / Aleksandra Chaushova / Veerle Melis / Ralph Schuster / Adeline Faveau / Oana Paula Vainer / Markus von Platen / Abby Banks / Amber Vanluffelen / Sirah Foighel Brutmann and Eitan Efrat / Bas van den Hout / Bianca Baldi / David Bernstein / Sandra Lakicevic / Laura Muyldermans / Maud Gourdon / Dries Segers / Emile Rubino / Philip Janssens / Emma van der Put / Stefanie Salzmann / Batsheva Ross / Christiane Blattmann / Sophia Holst / And more to come...
Kunst und Film - Komplexe Bilder 9: Seen from a certain distance
Kino REX, Bern (CH)
Programmed by Maia Gusberti
March 3, 2020
Screening program with films by Pieter Geenen, Lina Selander, Stefanos Tsivopoulos.
Screening of 'mirador' (2016).
Colección INELCOM Arte Contemporáneo
Madrid (ES)
Advisory by Vicente Todolí
Opening February 28, 2020
Acquisition and permanent exhibition of 9 photographs of the series 'I am not a ghost' (2019) and 'massif' (2019).
There all is order and beauty
ARGOS Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
May 19 - July 15, 2019
Group exhibition with Thomas Bernardet, Elina Brotherus, Alina Cristea, Joëlle de La Casinière, Pieter Geenen, Philippe Herbet, Esther Johnson, Jacques Louis Nyst, Alain Paiement, Sébastien Reuzé, Meggy Rustamova, Satoru Toma, Philippe Van Damme, Jan Vromman.
Presentation of 'mirador' (2016).

I am not a ghost
V2Vingt, Brussels (BE)
Curated by Nicolas de Ribou
April 6 - May 5, 2019
Solo exhibition
Opening: April 6, 16-20h
Exhibition: Saturdays 16-20h, or by appointment
Finissage: Sunday May 5, 16-20h + conversation with the artist: 18h
Mexico on my mind
Cultuurcentrum Berchem, Antwerp (BE)
March 30 - 31, 2019
Group exhibition and art auction with work by Ernesto Alba, Nick Andrews, Omar Barquet, Bert Danckaert, Koba De Meutter, Jordi Santiago Evens Canales, Pieter Geenen, Anouk Kruithof, Morelos León Celis, Elsa Medina, Rubén Morales, Rodrigue Mouchez, Nadia Naveau, Arno Roncada, Ben Van den Berghe and Alexey Shlyk, Bob Schalkwijk, Alejandra Venegas, Adam Wiseman and Tania Ximena.
Edition N°12
6x6 project, online platform
February 16 - March 29, 2019
Artist in focus
A series of older video works is now openly available for previewing online on, an artist-run online platform dedicated to the distribution and promotion of artists' works in digital form.
Visions in the Nunnery
Nunnery Gallery, London (UK)
September 28 - December 16, 2018
Group exhibition
Presentation of 'home' (2016).
Don't mention the war
Kunstenhuis, Harelbeke (BE)
Curated by Jonas Vansteenkiste
September 7 - November 11, 2018
Group exhibition with Rob Buelens, Cel Crabeels, Jeremy Deller, Ronny Delrue, Eric Flamand, Pieter Geenen, Stefan Jakiela, Veerle Michiels & Jonas Vansteenkiste, Serge Moreel, Bocca Negr, Renato Nicolodi, Yves Obyn, Robbert & Frank, Studio Moscou, Sven Verhaeghe, Klaus Verscheure, Katleen Vinck.
Presentation of 'nightscape (3)' (2005).
Artist in Residence
[ R.A.T. ] - Residencias Artisticas por Intercambio, Mexico City (MX)
September 1 - October 15, 2018
With the support of and in collaboration with AIR Antwerpen.
Parallel Screens: Livre d'image
FIDMarseille International Film Festival, Marseille (FR)
July 10 - 16, 2018
Screening of 'vasculum' (2017).
Video Library
Les Rencontres Internationales, Paris (FR)
April 10 - 15, 2018
Exclusive availability of 'mirador' (2016) for professionals attending the festival.
Competitive Program #4
That One Film Festival, Muncie (US)
April 6 - 7, 2018
Screening of 'home' (2016)
Program 4: Why Don't They Fly Away?
aDifferent Festival, Milwaukee (US)
February 2 - 4, 2018
Screening of 'home' (2016)
nocturne (2006 - edition 1/5)
The art collection of the Flemish Community has recently acquired the video piece nocturne, together with works by Vincent Meessen, Laure Provoust, Philippe Van Snick, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Wim Catrysse, Karl Philips, Sven Augustijnen, Meggy Rustamova, Kasper Bosmans, Nel Aerts, Rein Dufait and Birde Vanheerswynghels.
On this occasion nocturne has been exclusively made available for previewing until December 21 using this link:

Inspiratie: Landschap
C-mine Cultuurcentrum, Genk (BE)
November 19, 2017 - January 14, 2018
Group exhibition with Koen Broos, Stijn Cole, Pieter Geenen, Stefan Peters, Charlotte Peys, Aïlien Reyns & Marius Packbier, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Kristof Vrancken
First presentation of 'vasculum' (video 4:3, 29', single screen film / dual screen installation, colour, stereo, French spoken, English subtitled, miniDV transferred to HD), newly commissioned work produced as artist in residence at Emile Van Dorenmuseum, Genk in 2017.
The Raft - Art is (not) Lonely
Different locations, Ostend (BE)
Curated by Jan Fabre and Joanna De Vos
October 21, 2017 - April 15, 2018
Group exhibition with Orlan, Adrian Paci, Aernout Mik, Akemi Takeya, Alberto Garutti, Alex Van Warmerdam, Andy Wauman, Antoine Roegiers, Aslan Gaisumov, Ben Benaouisse, Berend Strik, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Bill Viola, Bruna Esposito, Carlos Aires, Chantal Yzermans,
Chiharu Shiota, Danielle Puppi, Denis Patrakeev, Elisabetta Benassi, Enrique Marty, Enrique Ramirez, Fabien Mérelle, Filippos Tsitsopoulos, Florian Graf, Giuseppe Stampone, Hans Van Houwelingen, Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, Ivo Dimchev, Jacques Lizène, Jan Fabre, Jan Lauwers/Ohno Cooperation,
Jan Van Imschoot, Jean-Luc Parant, Johan Muyle, Johanna Van Overmeir, Jorge Molder, Juliao Sarmento, Katie O'Hagan, Kelly Schacht, Koen Theys, Linda Molenaar, Luc Tuymans, Manfred Erjautz, Marijke De Roover, Marina Abramovic, Mary Zygouri, Messieurs Delmotte, Michaël Borremans, Michael Fliri,
Mika Rottenberg, Mike Figgis, Mikes Poppe, Monty Python, Nastio Mosquito, Oda Jaune, Pedro Valdez Cardoso, Penny Arcade, Peter Buggenhout, Philippe Van Snick, Pieter Geenen, Regina Galindo José, Ria Pacquée, Robert Devriendt, Robert Wilson, Rodrigo Garcia, Romeo Castellucci, Ruben Bellinkx,
Sigalit Landau, Stefaan Van Akoleyen, Steve McQueen, Théodore Géricault, Tom Liekens.
Presentation of 'mirador' (2016)
COM nu TIES - Thresholds / Seuils / Drempels
ARGOS Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
Curated by Ive Stevenheydens & Maïté Vissault
September 24 - December 17, 2017
Group exhibition with Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Silvia Beck, Ruben Bellinkx, Justin Bennett, Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Jef Cornelis, Teresa Cos, Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Els Dietvorst, Peter Dowsnbrough, Pieter Geenen, Ira A. Goryainova, Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo, Esther Johnson, Dagmar Keller & Martin Wittwer, Ken Kobland, Michel Lorand, Jan Locus, Vincent Meessen, Julia Meltzer & David Thorne, Mara Montoya, Bernard Mulliez, Hans Op de Beeck, Els Opsomer, Miguel Peres dos Santos, Marie-Françoise Plissart, Nicolas Provost, Aïlien Reyns, Shelly Silver, Krassimir Terziev, Harald Thys, Adrien Tirtiaux, Sarah Vanagt, Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby, Effi Weiss & Amir Borenstein.
Scenography: Sarah & Charles
Location & Coproduction: ARGOS and ISELP
Presentation of 'home' (2016)

Come visit my new artist studio!
Located in a former monastery in the heart of Molenbeek, only a stone's throw from downtown Brussels, Kispas is providing 16 artist studios:
Contemporary Experimental Cinema V
Dobra Festival Internacional de Cinema Experimental, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
September 11 - 18, 2017
Screening of 'home' (2016)
Ágúst Residency
Borgarfjördur (IS)
August 7 - 13, 2017
Artist in Residence
BXL Universel
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris (FR)
Curated by Carine Fol
June 14 - September 3, 2017
Group exhibition
Exhibition of 'home' (2016)
Cinema Without Border
One Shot International Short Film Festival, Yerevan (AM)
June 2 - 8, 2017
Screening of 'mirador' (2016)
West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival, Morgantown (US)
March 23 - 25, 2017
Screening of 'home' (2016)
It's My (Private) Life
Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Hawick (UK)
March 2 - 6, 2017
World première of 'home' (2016)

Some Arguments Later
ISELP, Brussels (BE)
January 19 - March 19, 2017
Group exhibition with Messidor: Eitan Efrat / Sirah Foighel Brutmann / Pieter Geenen / Meggy Rustamova
+ performance Hagar Tenenbaum
'Abstraction end and things like that'
January 19, 18h30
Katharina Aigner
Screening & talk
February 10, 18 - 19h30
Sofia Lemos
Screening & talk
February 17, 18h - 19h30
Daniel Mann and Laliv Melamed
'Secret Images'
March 10 - 11
Alexandra Laudo
Performative lecture
'An intellectual history of the clock'
March 19, 16h - 17h30
BXL Universel
Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels (BE)
curated by Carine Fol
October 20, 2016 - March 26, 2017
Group exhibition with Vincen Beeckman / Franky D.C. / Lise Duclaux / Christoph Fink / Pieter Geenen / Kendell Geers / Ann Veronica Janssens / Thomas Lerooy / Charlemagne Palestine / Kurt Ryslavy / Ana Torfs
Exhibition of 'home' (2016), a video commissioned by Centrale for
Contemporary Art
ISELP, Brussels (BE)
October - December, 2016
Messidor - Artist in Residence
Messidor (Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Eitan Efrat, Pieter Geenen, Meggy Rustamova) has been awarded the #CONNECTIF prize by ISELP, Brussels, and will be Artist in Residence from October until December 2016, followed by a very first Messidor group exhibition. Throughout 2017 Messidor will have a permanent presence in ISELP.

Come Together
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
September 16 - 24, 2016
Belgian première of 'mirador' (2016)
Without Pause, Dialogues
LOOP Festival, Barcelona (ES)
Curator Imma Prieto
May 26 - June 10, 2016
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011)
Group exhibition with Jordi Cané / Lúa Coderch / Jordi Colomer / Patricia Dauder / Raquel Friera / Pieter Geenen / Elias Heuninck / Eleni Kamma / Els Opsomer / Ria Pacquée / Maria Ruido / Sarah Vanagt & Katrien Vermeire
Company - A film programme by Sirah Foighel Brutmann and Eitan Efrat, with Meggy Rustamova & Pieter Geenen
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
November 5, 2015, 20h30
Four local artists join to present their work. They all belong to the same generation: on the one hand because they are of the same age, on the other hand because they belong to the same artistic family - because of the artistic story they tell, with a similar approach and method of working.
In each of the pieces, there is an inherent questioning of the effect ‘togetherness’ might have on the way we read images.
There will be an aftertalk with the artists, moderated by Zoë Gray, senior curator at WIELS.
Screening of an excerpt of 'mirador', a work in progress.
Pieter Geenen artist edition
On the occasion of his solo-exhibition 'This land is my land. This land is your land.' Pieter Geenen produced three artist editions. These are for purchase via ARGOS Centre for Art and Media.

This land is my land. This land is your land.
ARGOS Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
October 4 - December 20, 2015
Solo exhibition
Presenting a series of new works in various media, using the so-called Canadian Tobacco Belt as a backdrop to raise questions about the concepts of migration, land, identity, nationalism and colonialism.
In the first half of the twentieth century, this particular part of Canada became home to a large number of European migrants, especially people from the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium, who embarked on a new life as tobacco farmers. Today the younger generations have adapted to the New World, a world created at the expense of the native First Nations. Since those early days, the local labourers lost interest in the hard work of tobacco farming, and they have been replaced by so called 'offshore workers' from Central America and the Caribbeans.
By using the story of tobacco—its discovery by Europeans, its cultivation outside its original habitat, and the economic decline of the industry—as a metaphor for the concept of colonialism and the migration wave that followed, as well as for the potential loss of identity, the tobacco plant becomes a vehicle to focus on the special socio-economic reality of the ethnic and cultural groups involved.
'Time' and 'space', 'here' and 'there', 'we' and 'they' are vague, constantly shifting, and mutually exchangeable. When all elements converge, a new, undefined and ambiguous reality seems to come into existence as a reflection on one's own identity. That confusion, that reversal and alienation makes us question our personal and collective position.
Grand Illusion - International Competition 12: Intimacy
Arkipel International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival, Jakarta (ID)
August 19 - 29, 2015
Screening of 'The Nation' (2014)
Ecrans parallèles: Boucles
Villa Méditerranée, FIDMarseille International Documentary Film Festival, Marseille (FR)
June 30 - July 6, 2015
Exhibition of 'The Nation' (2014)
ikob Award
ikob - Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Eupen (BE)
June 7 - August 16, 2015
Group exhibition with the nominated artists: Loukia Alavanou / Younes Baba-Ali / Joachim Coucke / Delphine Deguislage / Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurdardóttir / Hilde Borgermans / Jonathan De Winter / Pieter Geenen / Sophie Langohr / Nora Mertes
Exhibition of 'pulsation' (2011), 'nightscape (8)' (2013) and 'The Nation' (2014)
Cinema Without Border
One Shot International Short Fim Festival, Yerevan (AM)
June 3 - 10, 2015
Screening of 'The Nation' (2014)
Cinéma permanent
Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz (FR)
Curated by Le peuple qui manque, Aliocha Imhoff & Quantuta Quiros
May 31, 2015
Continuous screening of films by Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan, Luis Ospina & Carlos Mayolo, Uriel Orlow, Pieter Geenen, Renzo Martens, Kidlat Tahimik, Marine Hugonnier, Alexandra Leyykauf, Armando Queiroz + Almires Martins + Marcelo Rodrigues, Francis Alÿs
Screening of 'The Nation' (2014)
Unfinished Histories: Limes - Voyages de frontière
Médiathèque - Fonds d'art contemporain de la Ville de Genève, Geneva (CH)
Curated by Andrea Cinel, in collaboration with Maria Iorio & Raphaël Cuomo
March 19 - June 6, 2015
Group exhibition with: Herman Asselberghs / Sofie Benoot / Ursula Biemann / Pieter Geenen / Till Roeskens / Shelly Silver / Sarah Vanagt
Exhibition of 'relocation' (2011)

Out There - Part 2
Viewmaster Projects in collaboration with National Museum of Photography Rotterdam
Wilhelminapier and Fenixloods 1, Rotterdam (NL)
February 5 - March 8, 2015
Group exhibition with: Monica Struder & Christoph van den Berg / Hans Op de Beeck / Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukacs / Wim Catrysse / Mungo Thomson / Marjolijn Dijkman / Geert Mul / Nicolas Provost / Thomson & Craighead / Michael Najjar / Pieter Geenen / Nicolas O’Brien / Kim Boske / Ben Pointeker / Christine Koenigs / Astrid van Nimwegen / Jacco oliver / Driessens & Verstappen / Stephan Keppel / Anika Schwarsloze / Dominique Teufen / Paul Horn & Lotte Lyon / Penelope Umbrico / Martin Effert
Exhibition of 'ansicht' (2005)
The Ethnographic Turn (Revisited): Pieter Geenen
deBuren, Brussels (BE)
January 15, 2015
A series of lectures (Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan, Ursula Biemann, Pieter Geenen, Mekhitar Garabedian, Ergin Cavusoglu) organised by SoundImageCulture (SIC) in collaboration with deBuren, Argos, KASK/School of Arts Gent, and Beursschouwburg.
Limited Access 5 Festival for Sound, Video and Performance
parallel program, Vista Art Gallery, Tehran (IR)
December 19 - 25, 2014
Group exhibition
Exhibition of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Citadel, Diest (BE)
November 27 - December 21, 2014
Group exhibition with: Carla Arocha / Warner Berckmans / Alain Biltereyst / Sergey Bratkov / Teresa Burga / Florin Buta / Berlinde De Bruyckere / Lili Dujourie / Jimmie Durham / Jan Fabre / Dan Flavin / Pieter Geenen / Paul Gees / Daan Gielis / Willo Gonnissen / Jef Gysen / Khaled Hafez / Kati Heck / David Helbich / Hiwa K / Fransje Killaars / Barbara Kruger / Marie-Jo Lafontaine / Danny Matthys / Renato Nicolodi / Baudouin Oosterlynck / Albert Pepermans / Eran Schaerf / Thy Truong Minh / Sven Verhaeghe / Kristof Vrancken / Jonas Vansteenkiste / Timo van Luijk / Lotte Van den Audenaeren / Fik Van Gestel / Leen Van Rossem
Exhibition of 'nightscape (3)' (2005)

The Nation
Transformers - Single Screenings
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
November 21, 2014
Première of 'the nation' (2014, working title)
SLOW (36h)
Concertgebouw, Bruges (BE)
November 8 & 9, 2014
Group exhibition with: Edith Dekyndt / Pieter Geenen / Hans Op de Beeck / Eric Pauwels / Nicolas Provost / Joëlle Tuerlinckx
Exhibition of 'relocation' (2011)
Greylight Projects, Brussels (BE)
Curators Stéfan Piat & Guy Giraud
October 18 & November 15, 2014
Group exhibition with: Jean-Marc Andrieu / Silvia Bakker / Thomas Bernardet / Marc Buchy / Michel Couturier / Paul Destieu / Pieter Geenen / Jerôme Giller / Yannick Guédon / Guy Giraud / Wouter Huis / Nicolas van Kerkhove / Luce Moreau / Objets d’échange / Stéfan Piat & Brigitte Hoornaert / Peter Snowdon / Satoru Toma
Exhibition of 'nocturne (3)' (2005)
Screening of 'relocation' (2011) on November 15, 16h - 21h
Programme 2: Selection from the Collection of ARGOS - Centre for Art & Media, Brussels
The Cinema, Art Brussels Art Fair, Brussels (BE)
April 24 - 27, 2014
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012) together with works by Orla Barry, Sarah Vanagt, Andrea Geyer, Krassimir Terziev, Mara Montoya, Vincent Meessen
La perception du champ social chez Hamza Halloubi, Pieter Geenen, Sonia Niwemahoro
Art'Contest, Art Brussels Art Fair, Brussels (BE)
April 24 - 27, 2014
Exhibition of works by Pieter Geenen, Hamza Halloubi and Sonia Niwemahoro
Memory Migration
Now & After International Video Art Festival, Moscow (RU)
April 2 - 30, 2014
Screening of 'relocation' (2011) in the non-competition program
Political Landscapes in Pieter Geenen's Photofilmic Work
Photofilmic Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture
International Conference organized by Centre de recherche en théorie des arts (UCL) and Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography (KU Leuven - UCL)
WIELS, Brussels (BE)
March 15, 2014, 10h15
Lecture by Jeroen Verbeeck

Offroad - Trajectories for Artists
Publication by Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
Presentation February 11, 2014, 14h30
Zsenne, Anneessensstraat 2, Brussels (BE)
This publication offers an insight into the trajectory grants as part of the general Arts policy. The diversity of this policy is made clear by a complete overview and a series of interviews of Brussels based artists.
Beyond the Dutch Mountains Video Festival
Dutch Mountain Film Festival Side Programme, Heerlen (NL)
February 8 - 23, 2014
Looped screening of works by Jeroen Glas / Arja Hop / Martijn Grooten / Karel Verhoeven / Walter van Broekhuizen & Yarre Stooker / Pieter Geenen / Esther Kokmijer / Eero Heinonen
Selected by Greylight Projects (Hoensbroek/Brussels).
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
curated by Wouter Huis
Kunstencentrum Signe (KuS), Heerlen (NL)
February 7 - April 6, 2014
Group exhibition with Thomas Bernardet / Walter van Broekhuizen / Pieter Geenen / Thomas van Linge / Elke Lutgerink / Joris Perdieus / Joep Vossebeld
Exhibition of 'pulsation' (2011)
Impressions from the Caucasus
The Caucasus - From Sea to Sea
Pianofabriek, Brussels (BE)
February 6 - 28, 2014
Group exhibition with Meri Badalyan / Emin Beyhan / Stéphanie Cirac / Sophie Hohmann / Pieter Geenen / Derek Prager / Merab Surviladze / Zinaïda Tchelidze / Igor Tohuzaev
Exhibition of 'relocation' (2011)
VONK vzw, Hasselt (BE)
October 5 & 6, 2013
Exhibition and performances by Veronique Alberghs / Johan Bruninx
/ Jan Delauré / Pieter Geenen / Wouter Huis / Joris Perdieus / Tom
Vanuytrecht / Hallveig Ágústsdóttir / Evelien Cammaert
Music by John Connor / MASDA / Meteor Music / Monkeywing / dj Sjatoo
/ Sabina Toll
Exhibition of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Dark Meeting
The Big Draw, Darkroom, Ghent (BE)
October 5 & 6, 2013
Artistic and scientific experiment with Frans Gentils / Jan Verbruggen
/ Tamara Van San / Karen Vermeren / Greet Van Autgaerden / Tineke
Schuurmans / Eric Van Damme / Gery De Smet / Pieter Geenen / Anton
Setola / Kristof Lauwers / Laura Maes
Presentation of 'nightscape (3)' (2005) and 'nocturne'
First we take The Hague, then we take Berlin
Kunst en Cultuur aan Huis, Belgian Ambassador's Official Residence,
The Hague (NL)
Curator Jan Boelen / Z33
September 5, 2013 - October 15, 2014
(by appointment only)
Group exhibition with Sara Bomans / Johan Bruninx / Fia Cielen / Stef
Driesen / Pieter Geenen / Frederic Geurts / Daan Gielis / Ives Maes
/ Philip Metten / Liesje Reyskens / Arno Roncada / Niels Vaes / Koen
van den Broek / Filip Van Dingenen / Koen Vanmechelen / Tom Vanuytrecht
/ Kristof Vrancken / Leon Vranken
Exhibition of 'nightscape (8)' (2013)
Tren de Sombras
MARFICI Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata,
Mar del Plata (AR)
August 3 - 10, 2013
Exhibition of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Love as seen by Jan Gogola
4 Elements 15th Summer Film Seminar, Banská Stiavnica (SK)
August 7 - 11, 2013
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Programme 5: History - Whose Truth?
The 6th Bangkok Experimental Film Festival on tour, Future Perfect
Gallery, Singapore (SG)
July 12 - 14, 2013
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011)
*** Honourable Mention for 'nocturne #2' at ICDOCS,
Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival 2013
Muestra #5 - Proyección #3
International Video Art Festival, Camagüey (CU)
April 24 - 28, 2013
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011) + panel discussion on 'videoart
and public interventions'
Visions Anatopiques 2: Exploration de lieux absents
/ Don't Forget to Remember
Le Silo, Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA), Paris (FR)
April 19, 2013, 18h
Screening of works by Jem Cohen & Luc Sante / Simon Faithfull / Pieter
Geenen / Eléonore de Montesquiou / Yorgos Zoïs
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008) + Q&A
Ghost Town #3
Saison Vidéo, Lille (FR)
April 15 - May 5, 2013
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Show 5 - Competitive #3 (Late Night Show)
Iowa City International Documentary Festival, Iowa City (US)
April 11 - 13, 2013
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Parallel Events: Exhibitions
Panazorean International Film Festival, Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands
April 11 - 20, 2013
Exhibition of 'relocation' (2011)
La più bella isola del mondo
Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof, Neerpelt (BE)
March 21 - April 21, 2013
Solo exhibition featuring the works 'ansicht' (2005), 'nocturne'
(2006), 'nightscape (3)' (2005), 'nightscape (8)'
(2013) & 'pulsation' (2011)
Blijven Kijken / Ce qui nous regarde / Dropouts
M - Museum Leuven, Leuven (BE)
March 28, 20h
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012), 'Swan Song' by
Anouk De Clerq & Jerry Galle, and Emiliano Battista on 'After
Empire', the book by Herman Asselberghs & Dieter Lesage
Spring 2013: New Acquisitions in the Black Box - W1:
Unconventional Gaze
ARGOS Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
March 3 - 10, 2013
Opening March 2, 18-21h
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012), and other works by Krassimir
Terziev, Shelly Silver & Frances Richard
La condition narrative
Art Souterrain, Montréal (CA)
Curator Alexandra Laudo
March 2 - 17, 2013
Group exhibition with Pieter Geenen / Karlos Gil / Pol Gonzalez /
Marla Jacarilla / Kaia Hugin / Tamara Kuselman / Julia Mariscal /
Ryan Rivadeneyra / Pedro Torres
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011)

Blijven Kijken / Ce qui nous regarde / Dropouts
M - Museum Leuven, Leuven (BE)
Curator Pieter Van Bogaert
February 14 - May 12, 2013
Opening February 13, 19h
Group exhibition with Herman Asselberghs / Anouk De Clerq & Jerry
Galle / Mekhitar Garabedian / Pieter Geenen / Elias Heuninck / Wim
Janssen / David Larcher / Gorik Lindemans / Renzo Martens / Els Opsomer
/ Stefaan Quix / Femke Snelting / Els Viaene & Duncan Speakman
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006), 'nightscape (3)'
(2005) and première of 'nightscape (8)' (2013)
La condició narrativa (The Narrative Condition)
La Capella, Barcelona (ES)
December 18, 2012 - January 27, 2013
Curator Alexandra Laudo
Group exhibition with Pieter Geenen / Karlos Gil / Marla Jacarilla
/ Kaia Hugin / Tamara Kuselman / Julia Mariscal / Ryan Rivadeneyra
/ Pedro Torres
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011) + parallel programme
of actions in the public sphere
21. dokumentART on Tour
Koeppenhaus, Greifswald (DE)
December 8, 2012
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
International Streaming Festival, The Hague (NL)
December 1 - 9, 2012
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Siemens award for best short film of the International
Competition - Special Mention
Doclisboa International Film Festival 2012, Lisbon (PT)
Awarded to 'relocation' (2011)
International Competition - Short Films
Doclisboa International Film Festival, Lisbon (PT)
October 18 - 28, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Artist's Films
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, York (UK)
November 8 - 11, 2012
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Competition Bloc 7
dokumentART European Film Festival for Documentaries, Neubrandenburg
(DE) & Szczecin (PL)
November 16 - 20, 2012
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Gaza International Festival for Video Art
Bethlehem/Gaza City/Jerusalem (PS/IL)
June 19 - 26, 2012
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Seeking the Monkey King
Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, Chicago (US)
June 21 - 24, 2012
Screening of 'nocturne #2' (2012) - international première
Venice Art Night
Telecom Future Center, Venice (IT)
June 23, 2012
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011)
ambient / socio-climate
Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Budapest (HU)
June 7 - 10, 2012
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011)
Cinema without border
One Shot International Short Film Festival, Yerevan (AM)
May 24 - 31, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Les Confessions
Eglise Saint-Loup, Lieux-Communs, Namur (BE)
May 17 - June 3, 2012
Opening May 17, 19h30
Group exhibition with Pieter Geenen / Mehdi-Georges Lahlou / Mireille
Liénard / Tinka Pittoors / Stéphanie Roland / Aurore Vandember / Koen
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011)
Parallel Worlds
Manifesta 9 Parallel Events, CIAP, Hasselt (BE)
June 2 - September 30, 2012
Opening June 2, 15h
Group exhibition with Elise Berkvens / Fia Cielen / Caroline Coolen
/ Pieter Geenen / Frederic Geurts / Peter Hulsmans / Karl Philips
/ Arno Roncada / Filip Van Dingenen / Koen Vanmechelen
Presentation of 'nocturne #2' (2012)
Re/Theorisation of Heritage - Memory and the Moving
Association of Critical Heritage Studies, Inaugural Conference, Faculty
of Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg (SE)
June 5 - 8, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011) + lecture on the alternative
narrative and formal strategies of 'relocation', in relation
to heritage, memory and the passage of time
RE:Converse #01 - Carbon Prints
Manifesta 9 Parallel Events, be-Mine, Beringen (BE)
curators Liesje Reyskens & Kristof Vrancken
June 9 - September 30, 2012
Opening June 9, 11h
Group exhibition with Patrick Ceyssens / Pieter Geenen / Joris Perdieus
/ Liesje Reyskens / Remco Roes / Jonny Vekemans / Kristof Vrancken
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Paysages Occupés #2
Saison Vidéo, Lille (FR)
June 11 - 30, 2012
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
Experiment 6
Experiments in Cinema v7.9, Albuquerque (US)
April 16 - 21, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Ghost Town #1
Saison Vidéo, Lille (FR)
April 16 - May 1, 2012
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
From the Other Side
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (DE)
April 18 - 22, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Media Lane, Art Brussels, Brussels (BE)
April 18 - 22, 2012
Presentation of two pictures from the 'scènes troublées'
(2009) series at the booth of Art'Contest.

Pieter Geenen - Winner Art'Contest 2011
Museum of Ixelles, Brussels (BE)
April 20 - May 20, 2012
Opening April 19, 17-20h
Solo exhibition featuring the works 'ansicht' (2005), 'nocturne'
(2006), 'relocation' (2011) and 'pulsation' (2011).
Horizon 3: F.E.A.K. - Between Memory and Representation
De Bond, Bruges (BE)
curators Bizhan Mouradipour, Pawel Jankowsky, Michel Dewilde
April 21 - May 20, 2012
Opening April 21, 19h
Group exhibition with Daniël Dewaele / Pieter Geenen / Wesley Meuris
/ Jasper Rigole / Els Vanden Meersch.
Première of 'nocturne #2' (2012), recorded in Tehran in the
spring of 2011.
Market Screening: ARGOS
International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen (DE)
April 26 - May 1, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp (BE)
March 16 - May 5, 2012
Opening March 15, 18h
Group exhibition featuring the work 'Gun Shot' by Kris Vleeschouwer.
With Danny Devos (DDV) / Filip Francis / Andrea Galiazzo / Pieter
Geenen / Ruben Kindermans / Charlotte Schleiffert / Keiko Sato / Marc
Vanderleenen / Lore Van Elslande / Filip Vervaet / Herman Van Ingelgem
/ Andrew Webb / Stephen Willats / Dirk Zoete
Presentation of 'nightscape (3)' (2005)
6th Arte Laguna International Art Prize
Nappe of Arsenale, Venice (IT)
March 17 - April 1, 2012
Opening and Award Ceremony March 17, 18h
Group exhibition and selection for the Arte Laguna International Art
Prize, section Video Art.
Presentation of 'pulsation' (2011)
Unconventional Gazes - An ARGOS Carte Blanche
Vidéographies[21] Festival des images expérimentales et numériques,
Liège (BE)
March 21, 2012, 20-22h
Screening program with recent work from the ARGOS collection by Pieter
Geenen / Sarah Vanagt / Krassimir Terziev / Shelly Silver & Frances
Richard / Nicolas Provost.
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Now You See It
Experimental Film Festival, Bangkok (TH)
January 24 - February 5, 2012
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011)
DINAMO Press & Industry Screenings 4
Spectrum Shorts, International Film Festival, Rotterdam (NL)
January 25 - February 5, 2012
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Isfth Outlines
Streaming Festival, The Hague (NL)
December 1 - 18, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011) and 'pulsation'
European Competition
dokumentART European Film Festival for Documentaries, Neubrandenburg
(DE) / Szczecin (PL)
Honourable mention for 'relocation' (2011)
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, York (UK)
November 3 - 6, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
European Competition
dokumentART European Film Festival for Documentaries, Neubrandenburg
(DE) / Szczecin (PL)
November 4 - 9, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
International Selection - Independent Category
Bandits-Mages Festival, Bourges (FR)
November 16 - 20, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
First Laureate Art'Contest 2011
Art'Contest, Brussels (BE)
Winner of Prix Fondation Henri Servais (¤ 6.000), solo exhibition
at Museum of Ixelles, Brussels in 2012 and a trip to Frieze Art Fair,
EX-Now 4
EXiS Experimental Film and Video Festival, Seoul (KR)
September 1 - 7, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Art'Contest 2011
Espace Black Box, Brussels (BE)
September 2 - 9, 2011
Group exhibition and art contest with Gert De Clerq / Marco di Carlo
/ Marion Fabien / Pieter Geenen / Hamza Halloubi / Katrin Kamrau /
Lea Mayer / Mikhail Porollo / Antoine Vanoverschelde / Cédriec Van
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011) and 'pulsation'
CIAP, Hasselt (BE)
September 9 - October 9, 2011
Group exhibition with Paul Devens / Frederik De Wilde / Pieter Geenen
/ Erwin Stache
Presentation of 'pulsation' (2011)
Looking Outward, Looking Inward. New audiovisual essays
from Belgium
KASKcinema, Ghent (BE)
September 28, 2011
Screening of 'pulsation' (2011)
Shorts Program 6
Onion City Experimental Film Festival, Chicago (US)
June 23 - 26, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
FLUXUS International Film Festival on the Internet, São Paulo (BR)
June 28 - November 31, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
FIDMArseille International Documentary Film Festival, Marseille (FR)
June 30 - July 11, 2011
Group exhibition at Galerie Montgrand, Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille.
Presentation of 'relocation' (2011)
International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, Pärnu (EE)
July 4 - 24, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Guest City Bruxelles / Brussel: Politics of Perception
VIDEOEX Festival, Zürich (CH)
curators Stoffel Debuysere & Maria Palacios Cruz
May 21 - 29, 2011
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
International Program 1
Media City Film Festival, Windsor (Ontario, CA)
May 24 - 28, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
FREESTATE - Splendid Isolation (Young Belgian Art)
Oosteroever, Oostende (BE)
curated by Stoffel Debuysere & Maria Palacios Cruz, Komplot, Christophe
De Jaeger, Tanguy Eeckhout, Laurence Dujardyn
June 25 - September 11, 2011
Group exhibition with Collectif Jessica Baxter / Astrid Bossuyt /
Delphine Deguislage / Nick Ervinck / Patrice Gaillard & Claude / Mekhitar
Garabedian / Pieter Geenen / Filip Gilissen / Kati Heck / Jimmy Kets
/ Jasper Rigole / Matthieu Ronsse / Sarah & Charles / Ief Spincemaille
/ Ante Timmermans / Dennis Tyfus / Philippe Van Wolputte / Vadim Vosters
/ Leon Vranken / Freek Wambacq / Sung-A Yoon
Presentation of 'nightscape (3)' (2005), 'nocturne'
(2006) and 'pulsation' (2011)
Première of 'pulsation', which (after 'nostalgia' in 2009) is a second
work about the experience of the Cypriot landscape. Since its division,
the landmark of a Turkish Cypriot flag identifies the landscape. It
is acting as a provocation to the Greek Cypriots across the UN buffer
zone, day and night. In 'pulsation' the sound this flag generates,
resonates like a strong heartbeat over the landscape.
Avant Garde Programme II
35th Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong (HK)
March 20 - April 5, 2011
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
The Other Side
Courtisane Festival, Ghent (BE)
March 30 - April 3, 2011
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)
Distant Montage
Ecole régionale des beaux-arts (ERBA), Valence (FR)
February 25 - March 11, 2011
Curator VIncent Meessen
Exhibition with Mekhitar Garabedian / Nora Martirosyan / Slavs & Tatars
workshop with new work by Sarkis Paradjanian / Uriel Orlow / Pieter
Screening of 'relocation' (2011)

Paysages / Films et Vidéos
FRAC Basse-Normandie, Caen (FR)
January 31 - February 6, 2011
Video programme compiled by Transat Vidéo (Caen) and Argos Centre
for Art & Media (Brussels)
Pieter Geenen / Bernard Gigounon / Hans Op de Beeck / Vincent Meessen
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
Video Hall
Art Rotterdam, Gallery Annie Gentils, NAi Pavilion, Rotterdam (NL)
February 10 - 13, 2011
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006)
Mekhitar Garabedian - Pieter Geenen - Slavs and Tatars:
Le Mont Analogue
Be-Part Platform for Contemporary Art, Waregem (BE)
February 20 - April 4, 2011
opening February 19, 17h
curator Bram Van Damme
Exhibition with work by Mekhitar Garabedian / Pieter Geenen / Slavs
and Tatars.
Première of 'relocation (objects in the mirror are further than
they appear)' (2011), a new video reflecting on the iconologic
value of Mount Ararat, the most important national symbol of Armenia,
and on how it determines Armenian identity. Since 1915 Mount Ararat
is located just across the other side of the closed border with Turkey.
Produced as artist in residence at ACOSS, Yerevan
With the support of Be-Part Platform for Contemporary Art, Spes Foundation,
European Cultural Foundation/Step Beyond, Open Society Institute,
Flemish Authorities

Open Archives #2 - Reflections on Contemporary Art,
Media Culture and Archiving
Argos Centre for Art & Media, Brussels (BE)
October 30 - December 11, 2010
'Black Outs - The Eclipse of the Image as a Strategy for Visibility'
12h00 - 19h00, November 3, 2010
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006)
With work by Herman Asselberghs / Mekhitar Garabedian / Annik Leroy
/ Angel Vergara / Laurent Van Lancker & Florence Aigner
'Buffer Zones - Reflections on Transitional Areas'
12h00 - 19h00, November 17, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
With work by Ursula Biemann / Herman Asselberghs / Raphaël Cuomo &
Maria Iorio
'Open Archives, Active Archives? - #2: Writing with Video. An
Evening with Pieter Geenen. Discussions, Screenings and Presentations'
20h30 - 22h30, December 10, 2010
Constant started the Active Archives project in 2006 with the observation
that most online archives fall into the traditional model of ’we’
(the institution) transmitting information to ’you’ (the visitor).
They recreate the physical archivists’ box, prioritising preservation
and integrity of the single object over the link-ability and potential
for multiplication through sharing that digital collections could
thrive on. They are certainly not presented as a means for creating
derivative works. If we understand the web not simply as a means of
distribution, but a space for (collaborative) writing, prototyping,
and developing ideas, how can archives take part in this net-nature?
How can archives be active beyond preservation and access? What would
it take to give material away and receive it transformed? How would
files be enriched by different connections, contexts and contradictions?
In dialogue with artists represented in the Argos collection, Constant
interrogates the active potential of the online media archive. Mixing
screenings, live-interviews and presentations, we will discuss moral
and legal ownership, contracts and licenses, annotation and access.
IN OUT Festival
Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk (PL)
October 21 - 22, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009) and 'atlantis' (2008)
Views from the Avant-Garde: Sea Scrolls
New York Film Festival, Lincoln Center, New York (US)
September 30 - October 3, 2010
Curated by Mark McElhatten & Gavin Smith
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
For Real - 28 Utopian Projections in Public Space
Maastricht (NL) & Hasselt (BE)
October 1 - 31, 2010
Curated by Bart van den Boom
Group exhibition with Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukács / Thomas Bürke
/ Brody Condon / Chris Cornish / Erwin Driessens & Maria Verstappen
/ Stephen Honegger / Harald Hund & Paul Horn / Dagmar Keller & Martin
Wittwer / Clare Langan / Michael Najjar / Jan van Neunen / David O’Reilly
/ Saskia Olde Wolbers / Jacco Olivier / Hans Op de Beeck / Joris Perdieus
/ Nicolas Provost / Christine Rebet / Hiraki Sawa / Monica Studer
& Christoph van den Berg / Mungo Thomson / Markus Vater
Presentation of 'gaze (6)' (2005)
Manières Noires/Black Outs
BAM (Beaux-Arts Mons), Mons (BE)
October 2, 2010 - February 13, 2011
Video programme compiled by Paul Willemsen/Argos Centre for Art and
With Mekhitar Garabedian / Annik Leroy / Sebastian Diaz Morales /
Angel Vergara / Laurent Van Lancker & Florence Aigner / Aldo Tambellini
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
dokumentArt European Documentary Film Festival, Neubrandenburg (DE)
& Szczecin (PL)
October 8 - 13, 2010
Curated by Antoni Karwowski
Group exhibition with Paulo Abreu / Michal Brzezinski / Vesna Bukovec
/ Zlatko Cosic / Alec Crichton / Rainer Gamsjäger / Takahiro Hirata
/ Joanna Polak / Noah Klersfeld / Lenka Klimesová / Ulf Kristiansen
/ Wai Kit Lam / Johann Lurf / Kai Lossgott / Paulína Macáková / Gillian
McIver / Charlotte Merino / Matias Montarce / Stina Pehrsdotter / Mikey
Peterson / Janna Riabowa & Tatjana de Luxe / Avi Rosen / Peter Rosvik
/ Sam Smith / Maja stefancíková / Simone Stoll / Arthur Tuoto / Robbert
Presentation of 'gaze (6)' (2005) and 'gaze (7)'
Belgium INC*
Mohsen Art Gallery, Tehran (IR)
August 28, 2010
Curated by Michel Dewilde
With Jasper Rigole / Nel Aerts / Kelly Schacht / Bram De Jonghe /
Rozemarijn Spilliaert / Daniel Dewaele
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
The War Will Not Take Place
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Haus der Kulturen
der Welt, Berlin (DE)
June 29 - July 4, 2010
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Mèdit Art
Mèdit Festival de Cinema Mediterrani de Ciutadella de Menorca, Menorca
July 7 - 25, 2010
Curated by Alexandra Laudo + HAMACA media & video art distribution
Group exhibition with Mounira Al Sohl / Zineb Sedira / Març Rabal
/ Mihai Grecu / Rogelio López / Valeriano López
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Living Spaces
All Art Now 2nd International New Media Art Fesival, Damascus (SY)
May 25 - 30, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Budapest (HU)
June 1 - 6, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
Souvenirs from Earth Cable TV Station broadcasting
Film and Video Art in France and Germany
Weekly TV broadcasting of 'atlantis' (2008) and 'gaze
(7)' (2009)
Starting May 20, 2010
Between You and Me
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Tabacalera (future
National Centre for Visual Arts), Madrid (ES)
April 12 - 21, 2010
Group exhibition with Patrick Bernatchez / Tony Cokes / Eric Convents
& Roger Steylaerts / Diego Del Pozo Barriuso / Peter Downsbrough /
Chia-wei Hsu / Ryoji Ikeda / Joan Leandre / Anthony McCall / Francis
Naranjo / Natacha Nisic / Hans Op de Beeck / RYBN / Manuel Saiz /
Alexander Schellow / Antoine Schmitt
Presentation of 'atlantis' (2008)
The War Will Not Take Place
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Museo Nacional de
Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (ES)
April 14, 2010 - 17h30
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Camera Eye Essence
April Meetings Festival, Belgrade (RS)
April 13 - 15, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009)
Out of Control: Le Théâtre de l'autorité
BIP 2010, 7th International Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts,
Liège (BE)
February 28 - April 25, 2010
Group exhibition with Alphonse Bertillon / Nico Bick / Cable 88 /
Nicolas Clement / Anne Daems / Lucinda Devlin / Exposition A Bomb
/ Harun Farocki / Claudio Hils / Jürgen Klauke / Ange Leccia / Jacques
Lizene / Philippe Meste / Anne Michaux / Olivier Mirguet / Simon Norfolk
/ Trevor Paglen / Mathieu Pernot / Willem Popelier / Paul Seawright
/ Katja Stuke / Els Vanden Meersch / Marc Wilwert
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Europe's Antivirus-System - In/Visibilities of Border
and Migration in Film
arttransponder, Berlin (DE)
March 2 - 3, 2010
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006)
Beyond the Border
Courtisane Festival, Ghent (BE)
March 17 - 21, 2010
Screening of 'nostalgia' (2009) as part of the National Competition
Night Vision - An evening on... illuminating darkness
Courtisane Festival, Ghent (BE)
March 18, 2010
Audio performance of 'nightscape (3)' (2005)
cc De Schakel, Waregem (BE)
March 1 - 21, 2010
This group exhibition presents a selection of video works from the
collection of Kunst In Huis.
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Land Ahead
Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp (BE)
January 31 - March 20, 2010
opening Saturday January 30, 15h - 18h
nocturne Thursday March 11, 18h - 21h
Solo exhibition with video and photographic works from the 'gaze'
series, 'ansicht' series and others.
Blind Date II - Sound and Vision in Private
Sportimonium, Hofstade (BE)
January 29 - March 26, 2010
opening Thursday January 28, 19h
curated by Pieter Vermeulen & Vincent Verbist (Actionfields)
Group exhibition with Sarah Bomans / Frederik De Wilde / Pieter Geenen
/ Nathalie Hunter / Ben Kruisdijk & Conny Kuilboer / Kristin Rogghe
/ Arno Roncado / Weyers & Borms
Presentation of 'nightscape (2)' and 'nightscape (3)'
La guerre n'aura pas lieu
Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, Centre Pompidou, Paris
November 30 - December 9, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
The Moving Land
A publication on the work of Pieter Geenen
Published by bkSM, Strombeek/Mechelen
ISBN 9789077193259
Texts: Herman Asselberghs & Luk Lambrecht
Images: Pieter Geenen
Design: Studio Luc Derycke
'The Moving Land' is published on the occasion of the exhibition
'Shot by Both Sides', a bkSM project with work by Johan Grimonprez
& Pieter Geenen.
Book presentation December 2, 20h30 Cultuurcentrum Mechelen (BE)

Kino Pravda
Northern Film Festival, Leeuwarden (NL)
November 11 - 15, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008) as part of the Frisian
Media Art Competition (FIMAC).
Time is a Book
Time Festival, Ghent (BE)
Booklaunch: November 13, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Curators Dirk Braeckman & Els Dietvorst
Time 2009 is the ninth and last edition of Time Festival and above
all, a statement by the curators Dirk Braeckman and Els Dietvorst.
Time 2009 is a book. A place to think rather than an event. In the
rat race of life, this edition of the festival wants to give more
time rather than taking it.
'Time is a Book' wants to create a temporary vacuum. A vacuum
based on the 'condition' of someone who picks up a book, takes time
and reads and looks. This vacuum, the locus of meandering thought,
is the solitary place where people can engage intimately with their
worries and anxieties, the place where people can gather, consider
and try things out. The place where inspiration can be found, but
where things and ideas, even if incomplete, can be experimented with.
An important keynote for 'Time is a Book' is the disquiet
and concern that both curators share. Disquiet about the future of
the arts and, above all, concern about the future of the world. With
'Time is a Book', Dirk Braeckman en Els Dietvorst want to
seek out the way other artists deal with this disquiet. They invited
about 50 artists to come up with a personal response on specific questions,
which can take any one of many different forms: "What acts as the
catalyst for your work (the frame of reference, the circumstances,
the 'sources of inspiration')? What do you want to show through your
work? What does commitment (artistic and other) mean to you? Do you
want to be 'radical' and, if so, is that actually feasible?"
This question is presented not as a survey, but as an open invitation
to come up with a personal response, which can take any one of many
different forms, such as a reflection on one aspect, an excerpt from
a diary, a conversation, an interview or a visual contribution. The
result is a surprising, experimental space on paper, a sketchbook
of virtual ideas and real dreams.
The authors: ACM & Els Dietvorst - Robert Adams - Philip Aguirre y
Otegui - Chantal Akerman - Herman Asselberghs - Orla Barry - John
Berger - Yves Berger & Daniel Michiels - Wang Bing - Bitter/Weber
- Dirk Braeckman & Peter Verhelst - Bureau d'Etude - Boris Charmatz
- Wim Cuyvers - Carl De Keyzer - Clayton Eshleman - Belu Simion Fainaru
- Jasmina Fekovic - Nikolaus Gansterer - Mekhitar Garabedian - Pieter
Geenen - Elias Grootaers - Jitka Hanzlova - Stefan Hertmans - Suchan
Kinoshita - Mark Klett - Franciska Lambrechts - Marije Langelaar -
Dirk Lauwaert - Lynne Cohen & Andrew Lugg - Mark Manders - Susan Meiselas
- Jean-Luc Moulène - Simon Norfolk - Honoré d'O - Ben Okri - Rimini
Protokoll Produktionsburo - Martha Rosler - Gerry Smith - Guy Tillum
- Moniek Toebosch - Ana Torfs - Marc Trivier - Jens Ullrich - An van.
Dienderen - Sarah Vanagt - Apichatpong Weerasethakul - Eliot Weinberger
- Lawrence Weiner - Katarina Zdjelar - Howard Zinn
'Time is a Book' is not an end but a starting point and wants
to stimulate debate and reflection. Time Circles is an initiative
in which a number of like-minded Flemish and Brussels organizations
use the book as a source of inspiration to mount a project within
the framework of their own activities and Time Out consists of a series
of six debates, at six Ghent organizations between15th and 26th of
Experimental Base
Streaming Festival, 4th International Festival for Audio Visual Art,
The Hague (NL)
November 25 - 30, 2009
Online screening of 'atlantis' (2008)

bkSM #8: Shot by Both Sides - Pieter Geenen & Johan
October 18 - December 10, 2009
Opening Cultuurcentrum, Strombeek: Fri, October 16, 19h
Opening De Garage, Mechelen: Sun, October 18, 13h
Curators Luk Lambrecht & Koen Leemans
The new bkSM (beeldende kunsten Strombeek Mechelen) exhibition is
a duo-exhibition with works by Pieter Geenen and Johan Grimonprez.
In this exhibition Pieter Geenen will present two new works, 'scènes
troublées' and 'nostalgia', together with 'nocturne'
'scènes troublées' is a slide installation made of found
photographs showing landscapes in the region of eastern Congo and
Rwanda. These black & white images were taken by Belgian colonials
in the early fourties of the 20th century. 'nostalgia' on
the other hand is a single channel video work about the divided country
of Cyprus. In all these works Geenen focuses on the 'innocence' of
landscapes in different social political situations.
For this occasion 'The Moving Land', a publication on the
work of Pieter Geenen with texts by Luk Lambrecht & Herman Asselberghs
is being published and will be available on both exhibition locations
(Cultuurcentrum Strombeek & De Garage Mechelen).
Imagine an (Im)Possible Future
VAD International Video and Digital Arts Festival, Girona (ES)
October 15 - 25, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
An evening with Auguste Orts #6: an evening on landscape
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
June 27, 2009
Looking at a landscape is not necessarily an invitation to look at
that mountain or this building in a landscape. A beautiful panorama
or a breathtaking vista rather invites us to look at nothing in particular,
to loose oneself in looking itself. For this sixth instalment of An
evening with Auguste Orts at Beursschouwburg, Auguste Orts presents
a full evening program on audiovisual landscape art in which mountains,
buildings and similar hard objects (and maybe the image itself?) ask
for attention and do block our view. Consider this an invitation to
look at (and listen to) some particular things.
With work by Aglaia Konrad / Sophie Nys / Robbrecht Desmet / Paul
Casaer / Pieter Geenen / Inger Lise Hansen / Donia Dabbas / Martiens
Go Home.
De jongens werden vrouwen en mannen
De Velinx, Tongeren (BE)
June 14 - August 28, 2009
Curator Dan Holsbeek
Group exhibition with Bart Slangen / Ellen Visschers / Lucas Pellens
& Stefan Custers / Christophe Meul / Caroline Coolen / Kristof Vrancken
/ Sara Bomans.
Last Day of Magic
ScalaMata Gallery, Détournement Venise, 53rd Venice Biennial, Venice
June 4 - 26, 2009
Curator Jan Van Woensel
As part of the 53rd Venice Biennial's official satellite project 'Détournement
Venise 2009' Pieter Geenen's video 'atlantis' will be
screened during 'Last Day of Magic' at the ScalaMata Gallery
in Venice, Italy. This video screening project is curated by Jan Van
Woensel and started as an art and theory workshop at California College
of the Arts in San Francisco. On June 4th the program wil open at
5 pm and screenings run until 8 pm. After this day all videos will
remain available for screening in the gallery until June 26.
'Last Day of Magic' is an examination of illusion as well
as disillusion that magic provides in culture: the search for the
intangible; the revealing of deception, the removal of what's obscuring.
Magic changes the perception of reality. Last day of Magic video is
a curated film screening about secrets, lies, false beliefs, melancholy,
disappearance, tragedy and transgression.
Other works by Vanessa Albury / Stephan Apicella-Hitchcock / Armelle
Aulestia / Stephan Balleux / blackmoth / Bosko Blagojevic / Sara Blaylock
/ Rudi Bogaerts / Dolores Bouckaert & Benny Vandendriessche / Monika
Bravo / Fia Cielen / Pierre Clemens / Aoife Collins / Marthe Fortun
/ Anthony Fuller / Matthew Green / Mark Gubb / Bettina Hutschek /
Swati Khurana / Melanie Lafille / Lauren Lavitt / Michael Mallis /
Jenny Marketou / David Matorin / Yvette Mattern / Jillian McDonald
/ Martin Murphy / Rebecca Najdowski / Alexandra Navratil / Ruth Oppenheim
/ Deniz Ozuygur / Jenny Perlin / Lee Ranaldo / Steve Schepens / Tim
Segers / Joaquin Segura / Sigga Björg Sigurdardóttir / Eric Van Hove
/ Ana Wolovick / Frank Zadlo
Synoptic Visionaudial Art Meeting, Pécs (HU)
June 15 - 20, 2009
Curators Péter Lovas and Szolga Hajnal
Group exhibition with Masha Godovannaya / Kimberly Clark / Eiko Grimberg
/ Vasarhelyi Zsolt / Németh Hajnal / Esterhazy Marcell / Uglar Csaba
/ Marc Bijl / Nemes Csaba / Sugar Janos / Larissa Sansour / Szacsva
& Pal / Ulu Braun & Alexej Tchernyi / Ninon Liotet & Olivier Schulbaum
/ Stanislav Veselovsky
Presentation of 'atlantis' (2008)
The Spirit That Guides Us
Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, Chicago (US)
June 16 - 20, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Cross- talks 1
Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Budapest (HU)
June 25 - 30, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
Urbania I: Cityminds
Apollo Arthotel, Bruges (BE)
From June 12 - November 20, 2009
Opening Thursday June 11, 19h - Apollo Arthotel, Bruges
The urge for growth can be seen at all societal levels; our changing
world with increased mobility, faster communication techniques, larger
cities and ever-growing populations all results in, as yet, inestimable
proportions. During this exhibition we see how different artists translate
their image of ‘the city’ in their work. Some pieces of work depict
an optimistic view of the future, whilst others show how city dwellers
currently experience and interpret cities.
Pieter Geenen will present his latest video 'gaze (7)' (2009)
from the 'gaze' series, and three earlier sound pieces from
the 'nightscape' series.
Other works by Randall C. / Monique Voz / Tinka Pittoors / Conrad
Willems / Saar De Buysere
International Program II
Media City International Festival of Film & Video Art, Windsor (CA)
May 20 - 23, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
How to Look at Things
Courtisane Festival, Ghent (BE)
April 22 - 26, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)
European Media Art Festival ,Osnabrück (DE)
April 22 - 26, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008)

Pieter Geenen & Lukas Hoffman: Artist Talk
Filmhuis Klappei / AIR Antwerp (BE)
February 5, 19h30
Pieter Geenen (BE, ° 1979, lives and works in Brussels) and Lukas
Hoffmann (CH, ° 1981, lives and works in Paris) met last fall while
staying at AIR, the international artist-in-residency program in Antwerp.
As a conclusion to their residency they’re presenting their work together
during an 'artist talk'.
In his photographs, Lukas questions the term of landscape by considering
trees, wires or concrete walls as elements which, in the final composition,
can result in tension, harmony, sometimes chaos. But: never an effect,
never an anecdote. Nothing but the things the way they are.
Pieter, on the other hand, is interested in the landscape as a bearer
of meaning, how landscape and man can relate to each other. In his
videos and audiovisual installations listening and watching becomes
intense, alienating, contemplating and almost tangible in an undisturbed
During this artist talk Pieter will give a preview of the video 'gaze
- 7' which he produced during his residency.
All Art Now
All Art Now 1st International Video Art Festival, Damascus (SY)
February 3 - 14, 2009
Screening of 'atlantis' (2008) and 'nocturne' (2006)
Bogardenkapel, Bruges (BE)
January 10 - February 9, 2009
This exhibition is a coproduction between Cultuurcentrum Brugge and
the city of Bruges, and is part of the Input/Output award won by Pieter
Geenen in 2007.
Solo screening of 'Atlantis' (2008)
AIR Antwerp, artist in residence
From October to December Pieter Geenen is artist in residence at AIR,
Antwerp. Because of AIR's unique location between the city and the
immense port of Antwerp he will create new work inspired by the sights
and sounds and the spatial experience of the vast area this world
port is.
During this residency he will have an 'artist talk' in which he'll
present his work. More information on this soon.
Glocal Affairs. Where Are You
Maastricht (NL)
November 2 - 30, 2008
Curator Jean Boumans
At a variety of locations in Dutch Limburg and the Meuse-Rhine Euregion,
'Glocal Affairs' brings together works by more than eighty
visual artists, combining them into an exhibition presenting a reflection
on the global-local interface in contemporary art and showcasing the
present state of contemporary art in the region.
'Glocal Affairs' is an initiative as an impetus towards making
Maastricht and the surrounding region European Capital of Culture
in 2018.
Première of 'atlantis' (2008)
Blind Date. Sound & Vision in Private
Actionfields Temporary Art Gallery, Brussels (BE)
November 14 - December 7, 2008
In contemporary art, sensuous experiences depend mostly on eyes and
ears. But what remains if these precious senses refuse to work? Is
it possible to translate art to people with a visual or auditory handicap?
How different will their experience be? And what about the tactile
sense in art?
Ten artists are prepared to take this interesting challenge. They
will invite the visitor to a blind date, an unforeseen or unheard
confrontation with the 'other'. With widely divergent works they are
willing to risk a leap in the dark, taking the public into the margin
of art.
Selected artists: Sara Bomans / Michael Bonne / Frederik De Wilde
/ Pieter Geenen / Nathalie Hunter / Ben Kruisdijk / Conny Kuilboer
/ Kristin Rogghe / Arno Roncada / Weyers & Borms
nominee Rodenbach Fonds Award
In January the Rodenbach Fonds presented the first Art Award for Professional
Talent. President of the jury Jan Hoet recently announced the 20 nominees
for this award, which he selected out of 175 applicants together with
jury member Luc Huysman:
Ada Van Hoorebeke - Andreas Stoffels - Anton Cotteleer - Charlotte
Lybeer - Clemence De Limburg - Fabian Luyten - Frederik De Wilde -
Gregory & Nicolas Leroy - Hans Demeulenaere - Jonas Vansteenkiste
- Judit Hettema - Koen Van Den Broek - Marie Rosen - Nick Ervinck
- Pieter Geenen - Steve Schepens - Sven Overheul - Tessy Bauer - Tim
M.C. Volckaert - Wesley Meuris
In October the complete jury (Jan Hoet, Luc Huysman, Stephan Vanfleteren,
Stany Crets, Luc Zeebroek, Willem Elias & Kris van 't Hof) will select
three artists to win the first price of 15 000 euro, a second price
of 3000 euro and a third price of 2000 euro. The winners will be announced
on October 21 at the Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) in Ghent
where they will exhibit their work until November 2.
Pieter Geenen nominee 'Parkstad Limburgprijs 2008',
Heerlen (NL)
The 'Parkstad Limburgprijs' is an award given every four
years to a young artist originated in Dutch or Belgian Limburg. The
winner receives a money prize of 10 000 euro. Previous winners were
Paul Devens (1996, NL), Hadassah Emmerich (2000, NL) and Bas De Wit
(2004, NL). This year's nominees are: Jowan Van Barneveld (NL), Jeroen
Van Bergen (NL), Caroline Coolen (BE), Birgitta Van Drie (NL), Pieter
Geenen (BE), Sidi El Karchi (NL), Robert Lambermont (NL) and Mirjam
Van Tilburg (NL). A group show with work of all nominees will open
on April 17 at Stadsgalerij, Heerlen. During this opening the winner
will also be announced.
Blurring the Terrain or Landscape as a Verb
Images Festival, Toronto (CA)
April 3-12, 2008
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006) as part of the international
No Place - Like Home. Perspectives on Migration in
Argos Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
April 12 - June 21, 2008
Curator Paul Willemsen
'No Place - Like Home' is an international group exhibition
on the topic of borders, economic immigration, refugees and asylum
seekers, with contributions by contemporary visual artists, film and
video makers. The exhibition takes a closer look at what lies concealed
beneath the surface of the immigration issue: the inequality between
North and South, tendencies in a globalized economy, political-social
processes in Europe. Simultaneous to this exhibition screenings will
be held of film and video works, as well as lectures. With regards
to promotion and the parallel programme this project will be organized
together with the broader social midfield of organisations which is
socially active surrounding the topic of immigration.
Works by Miguel Abad / An Architektur / Xavier Arenós / Herman Asselberghs
/ Federico Baronnello / Ursula Biemann / Raphaël Cuomo / Pieter Geenen
/ Maria Iorio / Provdoliub Ivanov / Takuji Kogo / Armin Linke / Bénédicte
Liénard / Thomas Locher / Hans Op de Beeck / Yves Mettler / Migreurop
/ Erzen Shkololli
An evening with Auguste Orts #1
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
February 21, 20h30
'An evening with Auguste Orts' adresses eye and ear with
sound and image, including: the Brussels premiere of 'Pixelspleen'
by Anouk De Clercq and Jerry Galle, with exclusive live reading by
Pieter De Buysser; 'nightscape (3)' by Pieter Geenen; John
Cage performed by Stefaan Quix; and screen works by Paul Sharits and
Nam June Paik. Plus: On Kawara.
Error#8: Project(OR)
Art Rotterdam (NL)
February 6-10, 2008
'Project(OR)' is a project by MAMA: showroom for media and
moving art and Art Rotterdam. During 5 days, 28 progressive art spaces
will present art, performances and art fair presentations by over
100 artists. Participants like Fette's Gallery from Los Angeles, Artists
Anonymous from Berlin, Liquidacion Total from Madrid, The Centre of
Attention from London, errorOne from Antwerp,... will present themselves
in their own way, from performance to an extravagant art fair presentation.
Error One (Antwerp, BE) will present work from the following artists:
Nicole Bauwens / Liure Briz / Liv Bugge / Marc De Blieck / Filip De
Roeck / Pieter Geenen / Lisa Jeannin / Johanna Kirsch / Reiko Kanazawa
/ Katie Lagast / Joris Martens / Jurgen Ots / Jan Rymenants / Joachim
Schmid / Max Sudhues / Elina Saloranta / Claudia Sola / Joris Van
De Moortel / Riaan Van Jaarsveldt / Marilou Van Lierop / Frederik
Van Simaey / Sarah Vanagt / Katleen Vinck / Carla Zaccagnini.
1st prize 'Input/Output', Bruges (BE) !
Pieter Geenen won the 'Input/Output' art prize in Bruges!
A honorable mention was given to Peter Depelchin. The jury, consisting
of Michel Dewilde (Cultuurcentrum Brugge), Mieke Renders (Museum Dr.
Guislain, Gent) and Patrick Ronse (Be-Part, Waregem) selected 17 artists
out of 113 candidates to exhibit their work in De Bond in Brugge,
and finally awarded 1 winner.
De Bond, Bruges (BE)
December 14, 2007 - January 20, 2008
'nocturne (lampedusa - fort europa)' made the final selection
of 'Input/Output', an art prize for artists under 30 organised
by the city of Bruges. The selected artists will exhibit their work
in De Bond in Bruges. One winner receives a money prize of 2500 euro
and a solo exhibition in 2008.
Other selected Artists: Nel Aerts / Hallveig Ágústsdóttir / Steven
Baelen / Tjörven Bruyneel / Peter Depelchin / Christophe Engels /
Manor Grunewald / Charlotte Lybeer / Tinka Pittoors / Dries Renglé
/ Lien Sergeant / Jeremy Swinnen / Nele Tas / Stijn Van Acker / Rinus
Van de Velde / Preben Van Der Straete
New Collection
Stedelijk Museum Wuyts-Van Campen & Baron Caroly, Lier (BE)
December 1, 2007 - March 2, 2008
This exhibition unites a selection of the museum's collection and
the work of contemporary artists selected by Voorkamer. Works by Rubens,
Brueghel the Younger, David I Teniers or Edgard Tytgat are put into
relation with works by Dirk Braeckman, Michaël Borremans and Hans
Op De Beeck.
Presentation of 'gaze (1)' (2003) and 'gaze (6)'
Visualantics, Antwerp (BE)
November 21 - 27, 2007
'Videovenster' is a project by Visualantics, Antwerp (BE)
in which they present silent video art, experimental animation and
generative work in the display window of their office.
Solo presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Fortis Young Ones Award
Lineart, Flanders Expo, Ghent (BE)
November 30 - December 4, 2007
Pieter Geenen has been selected for the 'Fortis Young Ones Award'
during the Lineart art fair at Flanders Expo, Ghent (BE). Eight artists
under the age of 30 were nominated for this prize. Four of them made
the final selection and exhibit their work at Lineart. The art fair
visitors can vote for the 5000 euro prize winner.
Laureates: Yves Coussement / Pieter Geenen / Charlotte Lybeer / Renato
Beek (NL) and Zutendaal (BE)
November 17 - 25, 2007 in Beek
November 30 - December 16, 2007 in Zutendaal.
Opening performance by sound artist Paul Devens (NL) on November 16.
Seven Dutch and Belgian artists will present work relating to the
theme of silence (stilte) in a former convent in Beek (NL) and the
cultural centre of Zutendaal (BE).
Group exhibition with Ado Hamelryck / Marco Juriën / Marnik Neven
/ Juul Sadée / Kristof Vrancken / Sandrien Wansink
Presentation of 'gaze (1)' (2003)
Encounters II
Stadsgalerij, Heerlen (NL)
August 24 - November 11, 2007
Curator Femke Lutgerink
'Encounters' examines the tension between the dominant visual
culture, often confirmed by the ‘official’ media, and possible alternative
visions. 'Encounters exhibits a variety of projects that
are intended to break through the ‘stereotype’ images in order to
tell another, personal story. The exhibition can be interpreted as
an open space in which visitors can become conscious of their own
‘preconceived’ images and the choices that lay at the foundation of
accepting or rejecting encounters that may or may not be uncomfortable
for them. The participating artists each show how fertile it can be
to choose to do so. The works function as a starting point for people
to ask questions about themes such as democratisation, emancipation,
and globalisation.
Encounters I' was exhibited at the Mills Gallery in Boston
(US) at the beginning of 2007. This initial version primarily emphasised
the ‘design’ of daily public life in countries with (former) totalitarian
regimes. 'Encounters II' broadens and expands on this theme.
The exhibition is organised in co-operation with the Glaspaleis and
the multidisciplinary summer festival Cultura Nova.
Group exhibition with by Reza Abedini & Hans Wolbers / Azra Aksamija
/ Luis Berríos-Negrón / Banu Cennetoglu & Huib van der Werf / Nele
Decock / Mariam Ghani / Maximilian Goldfarb / G.R.A.M. / Eytan Heller
/ Rob Hornstra / Stani Michiels / Anoek Steketee / Niels Stomps /
The Institute of Infinitely Small Things
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Error #7: Just a movie for godsake
errorOne, Antwerp (BE)
September 7 - 16, 2007
Group exhibition with Lauri Astala / Liv Bugge / Lisa Jeannin / Reiko
Kanazawa / Job Koelewijn / Xavier Lukomski / Vincent Meessen / Jurgen
Ots / Ria Pacquée / Dimitri Riemis / Elina Saloranta / Claudia Sola
/ Max Sudhues / Sarah Vanagt
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
Open Archive #1: Re:collections: Acquisitions 2005-2007
Argos Centre for Art and Media, Brussels (BE)
September 29 - November 10, 2007
Argos Centre for Art and Media in Brussels (BE) presents 'nocturne
(lampedusa - fort europa)' during 'Open Archive #1'.
A jury consisting of Brent Klinkum (Director, Transat Video, Caen)
, Berta Sichel (Director, Dept. of Audio Visual Art, Reina Sofia Museum,
Madrid) Marc Glöde (Assistant Professor & Research Fellow in the Department
of Film Studies at the Freie Universität, Berlin), Paul Willemsen
(Director, Argos Collections) and Katerina Gregos (Artistic Director,
Argos) has selected this video for 'Re:collections: Acquisitions
2005-2007', showing recent Belgian video productions.
At Argos the selected works will be presented in the form of a media
library and screened in their Black Box. Lectures, performances, artist’s
talks and screenings will complete this event. The full programme
will be released at the beginning of August.
Picture Industries
ACU, Utrecht (NL)
June 24, 2007
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006)
Kino Eye #7: Evacuation
MuHKA_media, Antwerp (BE)
APril 26 - 29, 2007
Curators Herman Asselberghs and Edwin Carels
This 4-day event includes film, installation, performance, theatre,
dance, talks and music. It focuses on almost nothing, and the empty
image as a means of countering the excessive presence of the human
face in contemporary visual culture.
Including screenings by a.o. Dave Martin / Martin Arnold / Al + Al
/ Chantal Akerman / Annik Leroy / Thomas Köner / Christophe Girardet
/ Dominique Somers / Elina Saloranta / Guy Debord / Dave Allen / Rose
Lowder / Sharon Lockhart / Ariane Michel / Willem Oorebeek / Michael
Snow / Andy Warhol / Claire Croizé / Jean-Luc Ducourt / Dominique
Petitgand / Ivone Marguliez / Stefaan Quix / Claude Wampler
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006) and 'nightscape (3)'
Black Box
Courtisane Festival, Ghent (BE)
May 3-6, 2007
Screening of 'nocturne' (2006) as part of the national competition.
Vidéothèque Ephémère
Videoformes, Manifestation Internationale Art Vidéo et Nouveaux Médias,
Clermont-Ferrand (FR)
March 13-17, 2007
Screening of 'gaze (1)' (2003) and 'gaze (6)' (2005)
Eclipse - Exploding Cinema
International Film Festival, Rotterdam (NL)
January 25 - February 18, 2007
Curator Edwin Carels
Group exhibition with Carla Arocha / Dirk Braeckman / Anri Sala /
Mika Taanila
Presentation of 'nocturne' (2006)
fst forward>>, Antwerp (BE)
March 15 - April 14, 2007
Solo exhibition. Presentation of 'gaze (1)' and 'gaze
Wild vlees
CIAP/Cultuurcentrum, Hasselt (BE)
September 9 - November 12, 2006.
Group exhibition organised by CIAP vzw, with Virginie Bailly / Steven
Brouns / Ralph Groenen / Peter Hulsmans / Ives Maes / Ben Meewis /
Steve Reggers / Herman Van Ingelgem / Charlotte Vandenberghe / Filip
Van Dingenen / Saartje Vereecke / Michaël Verheyden / Loreta Visic
/ Kristof Vrancken
Presentation of 'gaze (6)' (2005)
Sehnsucht inc.
Lancommandery Alden Biesen, Bilzen (BE)
October 7 - December 10, 2006
Curators Heiko Daxl and Peter Pollers
'Sehnsucht inc.' is an exhibition project by the Landcommandery
Alden Biesen in Bilzen, Belgium and Kolonie Wedding in Berlin, Germany
with a selection of Belgian, German, Polish and Russian artists.
The Belgian selection: Hugo Duchateau / Willo Gonnissen / Pieter Geenen
/ Frederic Geurts / Liliane Vertessen / André Bertels / Mo Ramakers
/ Ellen Visschers.
Power Plays - Interior Desires, Exterior Spaces
Z33 & Platform Limburg Beeldende Kunsten
May 13 - June 18, 2006
Curator Ive Stevenheydens
Presentation of 'nightscape (3)' (2005)
Cultuurcentrum Hasselt (BE)
April 23 - June 25, 2006
Curator Stef Van Bellingen
Group exhibition with a.o. Zjuul Devens / Liliane Vertessen / Willo
Gonissen / Marnik Neven
Presentation of 'ansicht' (2005)
Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)
November 24 - 26, 2005
Solo-presentation of 'gaze (1)' (2003) and 'gaze (6)'
1st triennial for contemporary arts, fashion and design, Hasselt (BE)
September 9 - November 13, 2005
Curator Edith Doove
Group exhibition with Herman Asselberghs / Beauty Without Irony /
Olga Boldyreff / Elke Boon / Jens Brand / Steven Brouns / Geoffrey
Brusatto / Mike Carremans / Marc Claes / Christophe Coppens / Teis
Cops / Jimi Dams / Krijn De Koning / Erki De Vries / Dino Dinco /
Alicia Framis / Gabriela Fridriksdottir / Pieter Geenen / Frederic
Geurts / Valery Grancher / Krist Gruijthuijsen / Martí Guixé / Ellen
Harvey / Hectica / Bren Heymans / Bert Houbrechts / Peter Hulsmans
/ Nathalie Hunter / Aernoudt Jacobs / Tom Johnson / Haraldur Jonsson
/ Hannelore Knuts / Het Labo / Bart Lens / Dominique Leroy / Xavier
Lust / Ives Maes / Jan Maréchal / Mike Michiels / Roberta Miss / Alistair
Morrisson / Ólafur Árni Ólafsson / Els Opsomer / Lucy Orta / Antonio
Paladino / Paul Panhuysen / Roma Pas / Libia Pérez de Siles de Castro
/ Sandra Reynders / Daniel Riera / Guy Rombouts / Cora Roorda Van
Eijsinga / Serkan Sarier / Andrea Schneemeier / Gabrielle Strijewski
/ Pascale Marthine Tayou / Tevona / Sissel Tolaas / Thierry Van Biesen
/ Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / Koen Vanmechelen / Charles van Otterdijk
/ Michaël Verheyden / Pieter Vermeersch / Lieven Vernelen / Teun Voeten
/ Andy Wauman / Bernhard Wilhelm / JC Wouters / Marina Yee / Kimiko